Thursday, May 3, 2007

Thankful Thursday


* My savior, Jesus Christ.
* My husband who was also my junior high/high school sweetheart.
* My children and grandchildren.
* All my new blogging friends and sisters in Christ.
* Encouraging e-cards and emails from someone very near and dear.
* I AM Bible Study at The Preacher's Wife blog.
* Two days spent with a friend who needs prayers and a listening ear.
* Through prayer, I can ask my Heavenly Father for "spiritual eyes".
* The realization that even though my earthly father passed away a year ago next Thursday, I will always have a Heavenly Father.
* Loving church family who treats us like real family which is truly a blessing since my husband and I both lost our last parent in 2006.
* Making it through a bad storm with tornadoes and strong winds in our area Wednesday.

1. I will praise You, O LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders. 2. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High. Psalm 9:1-2

Visit others who are sharing thankfulness this week, by going to Sting My Heart.


Denise said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful, and grateful heart my sweet friend.

Detroit said...

Wonderful list of thanksgiving! I too am so thankful for a church family; a real loving family! Thank you for sharing your tender heart! Blessings to you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for being so thankful. It is such a blssing to read all these lists of gratefulness. Thanks for sharing

eph2810 said...

Isn't it wonderful to know that we have Someone who made it possible to approach our Heavenly Father. I am so glad that Christ died for us and we don't have to 'earn' our way to heaven.
It is wonderful that you have a great church family. It is important that we have a great 'support system' this side of heaven.

Thank you so much for sharing your gratitude this week with us.

Blessings to you today and always.

Anonymous said...

How neat that you and your husband have been sweethearts for so long! Thanks for sharing your blessings!

Mary said...

What a wonderful list that opens your sweet heart to us. Glad you were a much needed strength to your friend.
We need to do more of taking time to minister to one another.
Blessings on your day.

Nise' said...

How awesome it is that you are still with your jr/sr high sweetheart! Thanks for sharing.

Betty's Loosing Race said...

Very neat list. You have such a sweet thankful heart. Thanks for sharing.


Deena Peterson said...

Thank you for sharing about your thankfulness today, and thank you for your post on Heather:-)

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

I am grateful for you as well and for participating in the blog Bible study! What a wonderful reminds me of so many things I forgot to mention in mine!

Crystal said...

Thank you for sharing your Thankfulness with us.....thank you for blessing me by visiting my blog today!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing!! It blesses my heart to see beautiful sisters pouring out their love for Jesus!! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Great list!
I am late getting mine out today.
Sorry to hear you've lost your Mom also. I miss her so much right now. Mother's Day and our Birthdays are in May. But Thank the Lord, we'll meet again someday.

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Wonderful list!! We have so many many things to be thankful for that the list could go on for a long long time. Mine is up today too...little LATE but it is up!! Sandy

Believer said...

Through prayer, I can ask my Heavenly Father for “spiritual eyes.”

Yes, and He gladly gives to those who ask, and are willing to handle the responsibility of seeing through them. Often the obligation is only to pray.

Your list is a great reminder of what is really important.

Pearls of wisdom...a heavenly voice.

Monkey Giggles said...

Amen on the Church family....thank you for sharing your heart.